Keisuke Hoshino

Software Engineer

Tokyo, Japan


kotoage, Inc.


Tokyo, Japan 2019 December - Present

  • Providing web services for shrines and temples in Japan to suuport their Digital Transformation.

Contract Software Engieer

Tokyo, Japan 2018 June - Present

  • Working as a Senior engineer / Tech Lead.
    • Push forward the company by communicating with C level members.
    • Decide the direction of the product with PdM and POs as Tech Lead.
    • Give an advice to business side from technical perspective.
    • Structured the product team(about 80 members) from project based one to product based one that works in scrum methodology as cross-functional team.
    • Adjust release flow among microservices and monolithic repo with QA team.
    • Introduced and educated the Agile/Scrum methodology to the product team.
    • Refactored entire backend code based on DDD w/Rails.
    • Built up a global team from 10% of foreigners to 80%.
    • Educating intern and offshore members.
  • Worked as a Lead Frontend engineer.
    • Refactored entire frontend code by atomic design w/React.
    • Implemented the backend side in Elixir and Kotlin.
    • Built up a new service that works with AI engine(BERT) in Python from scrach.
  • Worked as a Tech Lead in an IoT company.
    • Worked on an Android application w/Kotlin that works as the interface of Raspberry Pi, Arduino etc.
    • Built up monitoring environment for the devices.
    • Introduced Agile/Scrum to the team.

Dentolo Deutschland GmbH

Head of IT / Lead, Senior Software Engineer

Berlin, Germany 2016 May - 2018 February

  • Led IT team as Head of IT. Working in Scrum/Agile team with Project Manager.
    • Working with business people to define new features or projects.
    • Estimating timeline of projects and assign members to them.
    • Hiring new members. Having an interview and made a coding challenge for candidates.
  • Working as a Ruby/Rails, React.js(redux, webpack etc) engineer.
  • Writing some Frontend such as HTML(slim, erb)/CSS with bootstrap4(alpha, beta).
  • Implemented and designed entier our architecture and application.
    • We have 3 different backends which are for dentists, insurance-partners and business operation team.
    • Designed API for React.js.
    • Enabled to have several landing pages such as written in native Rails, in React.js with CloudFront and S3, in Wordpress etc.
  • Refactored whole system based on Domain Driven Design. (Details)
    • It was just simple MVC architecture, but getting not maintainable. So that I've rewritten whole code in DDD architecture.
    • Also refactored table structure based on the insight of our business.
  • Updated Rails version from 4.2 to 5.1.
  • Designed our infrastructure in AWS.

GaiaX Co.Ltd.

Lead Software Engineer, A founder of new business

Tokyo, Berlin, London 2014-2016 Mar.

  • Started 2 new businesses as a manager and a programmer
  • Created 2 services using Ruby/Rails. Designed and built the applications, infrastructure on AWS.
  • Built a server deployment configuration by Chef.
  • Experienced web marketing such as Google Ad, Facebook Ad, Twitter Ad, Yahoo Ad, SNS promotion etc.
  • Learend and executed the idea of Lean Startup, Running Lean and Lean Analytics.
  • Worked in Berlin and London for half-year to research potential customers.

Software Engineer

Tokyo 2013-2014

  • Created an incident management tool using Perl/Amon2 and Backbone.js
  • Created an asset management tool using Ruby/Rails and Backbone.js
  • Conducted replacing PHP project with Ruby/Rails
  • Introduced the practice of writing test code

Software Engineer Intern

Tokyo 2012-2013

  • Created a tool to visualize the status of meeting rooms whether it's available or not. (Ruby/Rails)
  • Created a chatbot application for Twitter using PHP
  • Made an API for iPhone application using Perl/Catalyst
  • Created a tool to manage a personal schedule like GoogleCalendar using PHP/FuelPHP




Pocket Programming - Ruby/Rails edition -

Pocket Programming - Android/Java edition -

Ed-Tech applications for iPhone/Android written in Swift and Java. These are quiz style applications to learn how to code. We had released the series for learning Ruby/Rails, Java/Android.
(Source Code for iOS / Android)

Position Strategy

An application visualizes company performances.
※ This product had awarded the prize of the Tokyo Stock Exchange contest.
(Source Code On Github)


To obtain a position in Software Engineer.


Programming Language

Ruby, React.js, Redux, Webpack, Javascript, Go
Kotlin, Elixir, Java, Swift, PHP, Perl, HTML, CSS, SQL


Rails(Ruby), Sinatra(Ruby), Padrino(Ruby), RSpec(Ruby)
ReactJS, BackboneJS(Javascript), ReactNative, Phoenix(Elixir), Amon2(Perl), FuelPHP(PHP),
Sass(CSS), Less(CSS), Nginx, Unicorn, Puma, Redis
MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Git


Docker, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Kubernetes, ProtocolBuffers
Vim, vi, Xcode, AndroidStudio, UNIX
CentOS, Chef, Virtual box, Vagrant


Japanese: Native
English: Advanced
German: Very Basic


Aoyama Gakuin University(Tokyo, Japan)

Business Administration
School of Business
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration